Category Archives: WOD

WoD: Amped Charity Hero

The Fenrir Fitness Wolfpack is proud to introduce the annual Hero Charity WoD Amped benefiting, a non-for profit charity that fits children, young adults and veteran amputees with high quality prosthetics so they can live normal and active lives.  This Hero WoD is programmed to honor of any military, law enforcement or any emergency services person who has […]

August Bye, Bye, Bye – WOD 100116

Warm up 500m Row Sprint then 2 rounds of Cindy Mobility Roll Hamstrings 2 min e/s Lacrosse ball in Traps 90 sec Strength  Find a 1 RM Bench Press Conditioning 15/10 Calorie Row, 15 Abmat Sit-Ups 15/10 Calorie Row, 20 Hip Extensions 15/10 Calorie Row, 25 Flutter Kicks 15/10 Calorie Row 30 Good Mornings 45/35