30 Day Paleo Nutrition Challenge: Crossfit Full Circle


Paleo Nutrition Principles kicked off the CrossFit Full Circle 30 day Paleo Challenge on February 18, 2012

The kick off was a success! All 13 participants were weighed in, girth measurements taken, body fat analysis done, blood pressure checked, performance WoD err performed, S.M.A.R.T. goal set and before photos snapped! Whew!

Thank you to Jason, Partner and Head Coach at Crossfit Full Circle, for being super proactive and supportive in the coordination of this Challenge!  The reinforcement helps insure that his athletes will have the best possible experience and success during their 30 Day journey into the world of Strict Paleo Nutrition!

It has only been 5 days and I can tell you this is an amazing group and I am looking forward to coaching them thru 30 Days of Strict Paleo. They are really embracing the lifestyle, already swapping recipes and getting creative with their foods.

We have Mike, who has turned into the Paleo Chef extraordinaire. He is really getting into the Paleo spirit! He has a blog on tumblr where he is logging all of his Paleo Progress. He talks about  the day-to-day challenges and successes that come with committing to 30 Days of strict Paleo. There are photos of his gorgeous food creations along with the recipes and progress pics!

There’s Jenni, who is another creative Paleo cook but have a feeling that after this weekend’s Paleo PotLuck she is going to be known more for her husband homemade beef jerky!!! unfortunately Daniel isn’t going to make it to the Paleo Potluck because he going to the woods for 4 days! He’s not only going Paleo, he is going Primal and inquired,  “wild squirrel and rabbit are Paleo right!” MOST DEFINITELY

Jessica who is a partner & coach and Matt also a coach at CrossFit Full Circle are  participating too!  If you’re gonna talk the talk you, gotta walk the walk! Great coaches setting great examples for their athletes! Matt is into the technical side of the Paleo Challenge asking about the formulas for water intake requirements and Omega 3 ratios whereas Jessica is a bit mischievous and  keeps us all smiling! And yes breast milk is paleo!

Samantha can’t eat bacon and she’s gone Paleo anyway!!! Now that is dedication! Josh is just Snazzy! The dynamics of this group have truly impressed me.

I am grateful to them all for allowing me to play such a big role in their lives for the 30 Days and look forward to getting to know each of them as the days progress.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Paleo PotLuck this Saturday and tasting all the yummy dishes that are going to be served up!!



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